Whack-A-Mole Begins
When all you have is a several hundred billion dollar money train, legal immunity, governmental-media-social tailwinds and ton of fear....everything looks like it needs your vaxx.
Yes, the world’s biggest game of immunological whack-a-mole has begun.
BioNTech and Pfizer have concluded that the time is finally right, ~2 years into their initial mess, to finally develop a “variant specific” version of their genetic injectable. The also-rans are hot on their heels.
Do not spend much time thinking about how vaxx led to escaping immune surveillance, and reduced immunity of varying dimensions. Do not think about how, to the extent that “surveillance” ever even happened properly, the presence of vaxx also caused low levels of ubiquitous Rona to easily mutate around the problem, possibly even recombining with vaxx instructions to yield the variants we now hate hearing about. (Ask Vietnamese how they feel about AstraZeneca.) No, just pray to Heaven in thanks that FINALLY somebody will end the dread lowkey coof called Omicron that has plagued the vaxxed + boosted with a quick mid-week URI over these last 60 days or so.
Except it won’t end it. It will continue it and make things worse. Much worse. Both as great immunological risk, and continued, escalating social risk.
The boards of vaxx advisory “experts” at NIH, FDA, and CDC have demonstrably and wildly irresponsibly waved-through any genetic injectible at any age with any data and no data because “muh emergency.”1 They will doubtlessly do so again with this “VOC” and then call for mandates that it be used. Knowing this is what is happening in society is demoralizing primarily because we are not built to endure biomed tyranny and because there is no end in sight. TPTB are actively discouraging discussion of a “Rona Endgame.” And so a crowd of cowering TV+ simps to muh science will clamor for the jab, forming the critical mass of selective pressures needed to inadvertently yield yet another round of variant disease that will invoke another round of emergency powers and more mandates and more disruption and alienation of fellows until one day, for no reason at all…
There was a time a few months ago when I pointed out that “at least the big vaxxcos are sticking with their O.G. sequences instead of futzing with the code and making the conditions ripe for even more variants.” Yeah. So apparently word trickled up (not just from my take ofc) that a big logical problem for the Greek genius veterinarian (and his ilk) to mansplain is: “Er so, um, why are you still injecting kids and everyone with the O.G. October 2019 code that Wuhan personally handed to you? That virus was old 2 years ago. Gosh, a real measles vaccine would help probably more for all the relatedness it has to Current Year virus…and since it wouldn’t interfere with developing immunity to Rona nor recombine with Rona to make next Rona, I suppose we would expect the same sort of number of `breakthrough` cases, right?”
So apparently they read their comments section.
To the giant vaxxcos: I encourage you all to freeze right where you are, offload the existing -70C inventories, count your money and go play with your grandkids. Maybe, if you are feeling ambitious, focus on small-molecule treatments, you know, the thing you used to be good at. Just please, please quit messing with the global virome landscape. It has become a man-made ecological disaster. This Vaxxwar is Not Healthy for Children and other Living Things, to borrow a peacenik phrase from way back.
Note that I say “genetic injectable” instead of mRNA or Adenovector “vaccine,” not to be breathlessly hyperbolic to grab attention, but because these things as many have properly noted, are new in the world and must be offset in language from the “protein-only” traditional vaccines we have come to trust over time. In writing, I try to remember to distinguish between the novel and experimental-in-humans products, and the traditional vaccines or “tradvaccs.” I verbally refer to the current PFDA offerings in January 2022 as “genejects” or “genejabs,” and items like the Novavax product which uses protein-only as “tradvaccs.” This matters. If you are a traditional anti-vaxxer from the Rona Before-times, I suggest you set aside our differences, partner-up, and adopt my terminology because it rocks.
It has begun. But how will it end? Will it end? Or will it continue until not enough people remain healthy enough for the game to continue?