The Beginning of the End of the Blogstack Era
Paywalls and the Passing of the Rona are Going to Deflate Interest in Substack Faster than CNN Ratings Died with the End of the Trump Presidency
As of now (Inauguration Day 2022), 3 critical Rona dissident/quasi-journo lights (that I follow and you should have too) have put much of their content behind a subscription paywall. I am talking about good frog Eugyppius, El Gato Malo, and Alex Berenstain (Berensford? Berensteyn? Beringstrait? I always forget.) These fellows have been pretty erudite while expressing non-wildeyed views of what global governments and global Big Pharma and global media hysterics have in store for us. The core benefit to their insights have been great accessibility in the clarity of their writing and also the great accessibility in free longform space here on Blogstack. This has allowed the unobstructed flow of information that would have otherwise been fully suppressed or twisted by TPTB and their shills, and we thank our authors for their service. Indeed, thank you Substack for standing well back, so far. Never get captured.
People need to feed their offspring and pay for private school, mortgages and such, and I am not about denying people their bread. Asking for a tip is fine electronic panhandling and I wish you all good luck with that. But when you consider the physics of this, recall that there was a log phase of growth when unvarnished pandemic information interest levels got explosive. There will come a lag phase and deterioration of interest. Maybe that is why you are trying to get yours now, asap. But rather than sticking with gratis comfy informative armchair prose that has been a beacon to so many in the face of aggressive lying statism and social isolation, the development of a pricetag detracts substantially from the hygge.
The written product all swiftly came under a profit-motive. And that is weak for several reasons.
Immediately, a solid half the population of readers (I am one) says: Nope, not giving my financial credentials to a startup San Francisco (LOL) company with uncertain ties to TPTB just so Alex Berenson (that’s it!) can enjoy a quarter-cup of coffee after taxes. There is no faster way to get noticed on a list of dissidents (the shorthand way of saying: `I am a scientist and I can prove this “vaccine” is hurting people`) than to give your exact billing coordinates and true identity to the enemy. Sure this sounds paranoid to the average citizen, but it has already happened a lot and continues to happen the world over. See how hard TPTB are trying to hammer Substack. Check to see whether your FBI owns the entire mailing list at Gab after that one time. If the Left continues to control society, sooner or later bad things will happen to people who say certain things, and increasingly, bad things will come to people who can be proven to have read certain things. The days of 2 + 2 = 5 are coming. They may already be here.
Another portion of the readership gets cynical and immediately thinks that kernels and nuggets of information will be withheld only in order to bait readers into breaking with cash. The sad part about that is that it is a short trip from “He isn’t telling me the whole story” to “He is eagerly telling the whole narrative of the highest bidder for his subscribers’ eyes.” Certainly, Berenson has suffered slings and arrows for his less-than-amiable give-and-take with Dr. Malone on Faux News, in which many have suggested that he was put up to that behaviour in exchange for some kind of journo access points to be named later. We will never know for sure, but the implication is easy to make once you know an author is in it partially or primarily for the gainz.
And while I don't want to sound like some kind of hippy occupy-the-IP-space type, there was a good time when interweb altruism was a thing. I am talking about the days of BBS, Usenet, and open source, along with genuinely assistive sherpa bros who kindly shared their time and knowledge for no charge. Maybe sometimes you got what you paid for, but a lot of helpfulness in the net zeitgeist was rewarding. Then came the opportunists. They would package your open source app, brand it, and then never support it; Google bought Usenet, and the BBS died with the death of dialup. An era had passed, but the Twittugee surge into 2020 Substack made one nostalgic for that time when free speech was easy to have and the tech overlords were not scrutinizing and banning every packet that didn't match Lefty orthodox biomedical tyranny.
Money will change this place. Just because I would never pay for words and would never charge for mine doesn’t mean I don’t value the work behind words. I just view mine as a sunk cost and wonder why like-minded friends cannot see theirs the same way. Normally I would be all for the blessings of capitalism as an antidote to unfettered communism, but haven't we all recently seen what the upshot and monstrosity that public-private capitalism can produce? Check the history of any Big Pharma or current tech monolith to see what I mean. While poor pure communism shivers hungry in the cold, the fat stacks ripped from a once-productive economy are burning a hole in the pockets of the governmedia-robberbaron complex, and they will use those bucks to keep their train steaming along in any way they can. Any. Way. The recent hat-passing around here is annoying, sure, and I will ignore that the same way I ignore the dude asking for bus fare at 9:00 PM in any CVS parking lot, but it is also insidious. Paywalls of smart friends who understand the grift of government are showing that they are only a few bucks away from becoming proto-grifters of their own. That is demoralizing. They may have already arrived there. I worry about this.
I will say Eugyppius has been pretty fair about it, claiming to share the salient facts of his posts in a free way to all, while offering a custom bow-on-top conclusive take to the paying fans. One must trust him, and I basically do. Gato Malo has split his service into 2 channels (I think, but would withstand correction), one paid and one free. Occasionally Eugyppius and Gato Malo block commentary unless you pay the toll. Berenson is basically happy to charge you to add your free additional content which would generally support his 85%-baked science because um, profits, bro. Doing a book like Berenson did is the bright way to get paid for curating ideas, but this direct-to-market long-form Tw*dder should remain unsullied by filthy lucre imho.
I have been circumspect about describing my entire résumé (CV), but suffice to say that while I do not have an ongoing personal relationship with him and he would not recognize me in a police lineup, during “professional development” I have been in the exact same room with Dr. Malone on occasions, eating lunch with the same Nobel Laureates, looking at the same sorts of problems before I branched off into specific areas of immunological research at a different location that I won’t detail too much. It is enough to note that when it comes to describing T-cell immunity as a primary mechanism in human health, I have…core insights into autoimmunity and the molecular and cell biology of immune systems. And this is why I wrote this brief today: Berenson (I must remember this name) asked for immunological help. And I could not give it directly because muh brofids: his Comments are locked to the impecunious and the oppositional-defiant (me). This is the final reason why paywalls are dumb: free flow of quickly-checkable information like links and fast-issue tidbit corrections of the parent text just became a dead end. May as well send snail-mail with pages of Encyclopedia Britannica ripped out.
Alex asked for information about T-cell immunity described in the recent Lancet paper (link supra). This is, at least to some, old news, and as with much of science, a re-tread of the work of others. Indeed, if you would like to read my whole ALWAYS FREE Blogstach, you will see I have been on about the criticality of T-immunity in preventing re-infective disease (symptoms), especially in children, since August, 2021.
Here is the TL;DR: Virums are cleared from mammal systems by literally lancing and killing infected cells, an operation mostly undertaken by a kind of white blood cell called a CTL (vide infra). Certain of a group of successful infection-murdering CTLs are expanded in their population through typical division and a select set of these change their basic settings to remain as future guardians in case related virums ever come back, these are called “memory phenotype” or MP-CTLs. Prior infecteds (“convalescents” aka “natural immunes”) have these. Vaxxed do not. Vaxxed cannot. Even cross-pollinated vaxxed cannot. The mechanism is 100% unrelated like combing your hair to get your nails painted. It has been noticed that MP-CTLs in re-infection-resistant prior infecteds have directed their focus to SARS Nucleocapsid (N) protein and not Spike. Nucleocapsid is a non-surface structural protein common to all SARS and sarbecovirums. It has extremely low variation because the selective pressure for this protein to remain able to fold the right way (like a geodesic dome) and assemble a viral particle properly is critical to it’s lifecycle, and protein folding is complicated. T-cell immunity to this N protein molecule makes prior infecteds logically and demonstrably very resistant to variants. Vaxxed do not see this protein. Vaxxed cannot see this protein. Even cross-pollinated vaxxed cannot. The reason: N protein is not part of the Euromerican injectable magic science juices at all. Notice in this whole paragraph, “antibodies” and “immunoglobulins” have not been mentioned once, yet it is the chronic centerpiece of all Boomermedia. (Aside: I hate Sean Hannity so much.) Welcome to Current Year.
By July 2021, Israeli scientists (Alex, are you paying attention?) were watching hundreds of thousands of unvaxxed Rona prior-infecteds and monitoring for re-infection, then compared them with infection-naïve vaxxed (all Pfizer/BioNTech) while watching for initial infection. In the retrospective cohort study a substantial number of people also had been identified as initially infected, then responded to governmedia exhortation to “get vaxxed” and did so. Interestingly virtually zero “Infected-then-Vaxxed” went back for a second jab or booster, presumably, based on anecdotal reporting, the jab made them sicker than their original infection so they said thanks, that’s quite enough. So there developed several study groups: vaxxed past a certain time (14 days after one booster) and watching for first infection (V+I), prior infecteds watching for reinfection (I+R), and prior infecteds who later vaxxed once and watching for reinfection (I+V). There was also data about those infected during the “worry-window” but that is off-topic here, perhaps another time.
Thus, during the Israeli Delta wave through Spring and early Summer 2021, a huge number of V+I were catalogued. A small comparative fraction were found to be I+R, about 1/30th the number of V+I. And the representative fraction of I+V was found to be somewhat similar to the V+I. The data was stark: the best way to fend off reinfection is to have dealt with the virus before, essentially at any stage of vaxxing. The deafening media silence about these findings only reinforces the rational person’s low opinion of journo science comprehension, and high expectation of journo venality.
A very interesting take-away at that time, because I was formulating opinions about what the population immune behaviour might be and paid careful attention, was the lack of difference between groups in the order of infection. While there existed tiny differences between V+I and I+V, the authors went to great lengths to promote the idea that even if you are prior-infected, you should still get vaxxed because the data “weakly” suggested that a vaxx added to post-infectious immunity was vaguely, slightly superior. My interest was in discovering whether vaxx prior to infectious immunity compromised that immune development in any way, eg., looking for evidence of the dreaded OAS (vide infra). In the end, their p-for-trend statistical model wound up declaring that V+I and I+V were statistically indistinguishable, being on the order of ~>0.4. They were at pains to suggest from a tiny and statistically underpowered I+V group that any conclusion could be drawn at all. Their obvious preference would be to ballyhoo any positive news for vaxx, in keeping with the times, and downplay any result favorable to natural immunity, in service to the goal of vaxxmaxxing. Best they could do is say V+I and I+V were the same. It turns out that is also the worst they could say.
Later, about 35 (maybe more now) studies and papers and pre-pubs have confirmed that prior infection provides the most robust, long-lasting resistance to symptomatic Rona disease. In actuality, the first serious study period cut off before a final look at actual length of natural immunity could be observed, at 8 months. This is now-enshrined as a magic figure that is an incidental result of a foreshortened study design and need to publish, but is the place where simpleton journos hang their hat when kowtowing to their bosses. I tell them: “A second booster of Pfizer/BioNTech only buys you about 12 days of immunoglobulin pop.” “Oh yeah? Well, well, natural immunity is only good for 8 months!” “At minimum.” “You don’t know that! Check the science, man!” Uh huh.
ASIDE: The U.S. Biological Ministry of Truth, aka the CDC, commissioned another study that stands alone in the annals of science as being 100% contrary to every other worldwide look at the problem. So much for muh scientific consensus. They boldly declared that “V+I is (an invented number) times as protective as just I” perhaps as a hyperbolic counterpoint to the growing understanding then that getting ill with Rona isn’t that bad and doing so stops the risk of illness for vast swathes of the population. I think the claim was 9 times more protective or something silly on that order. They could have made it π-squared-times to sound more mathy and sciencey, but no less synthetic. Yes kids, science is for sale. Replication of these results is a dumpster-fire disaster. Published near the start of November, just prior to Omicron hype to distract us through the Holidays, the media scurried about waving this vindication of their deeply held political beliefs: enforced biological subjugation is the natural state of man, and we all ought to be grateful that our overlords and betters took enough of an interest in us to care so deeply. That was until their own science sources started to grimly point out the Grand Canyon sized flaws in the study that high schoolers would dissect in 30 minutes (seen it). The study was quietly ignored thereafter, but not before the CNN audience was dosed for a week with it. It remains an outlier hoax paper unsuited for bathroom reading. (Check the author list and see if you recognize any names below the fold. You will. See also this related agitprop. Mfw I see “papers” “authored” by wunderkind Neil M. Ferguson and/or a hundred MPHs.)
The Israelis, in looking back at their entire country’s Rona seropositivity eventually concluded that prior infected people did so well (had so few reinfections) because they were distinguished from the purevaxxed in 2 important ways. These are two important and easily predictable ways, if a person simply steps back and looks at the situation with fresh eyes, starting with high school biology eyes. (Warning: Antibodies/Immunoglobulins ahead.)
The virums of interest here are tiny aerosolized particulates that move like a gas (no discussion of masks now, off-topic), and they enter the body primarily through eyes and nasal mucosa. As a first line of defense to things like colds, functioning within us mammals for about 60 million years, the mucosa develops and produces immune proteins called IgA (Immunoglobulin A, a double-ended antibody) that become specific binders to anything deemed a microscopic infectious foreign airway threat. It takes a few days to recombine the right sequence of binding proteins to formally handle the removal process, and any person who has had a cold knows the first 3-5 days are different from the final 3-5 days as the mucus ramps up in volume and symptoms wane. The bugs get into the nose, the body recombines to specifically attach, and then bounces them. Simple.
Question: How much nasal IgA recombination do you think a shot in the arm causes to happen? Has such a thing ever been invented or known to work? (This is known as an “end-organ effector” question.) Keep in mind the people at Pfizer and Moderna are super duper geenyus smort and really really sciencey. Well, if you answered any other number than 0.00 recombination events, I heard Pfizer is hiring. This is what the Israelis stated as the obvious: prior infected people have initial contact mucosal surface immunity working for them where purevaxxed have zero. This is sort of a no duh thing. People make a lot of snot in a day and it is a big reason we all don’t have chronic pneumonia. The vaxx zealot who lives down your block stopped thinking critically a while ago, but discussing this basic fact and the Israeli understanding that IgA helps bigly to prevent disease at first contact may be enlightening to them. It will certainly explain something she really wants answers to: why did all of us good citizen vaxxers get “breakthrough cases”? You want the truth Karen? You were never immune, honey. (Back to our originally scheduled T-cells.)
The second easily predictable way that prior infecteds are different is the T-cell effect described in the TL;DR above about MP-CTLs. The Nucleocapsid (N) protein absent from vaxx coupled with autistic focus on Spike (S1) makes this entire global experiment a botched effort from December 2019 onward.
One of the key deceptions that has proceeded from the governmedia complex is, like all good deceptions, a little occult, as in you wouldn’t guess that the assertion is controversial right off. Consider: "these vaccines are simply brilliant science." This is a marketing claim. If you look around you will see adjectives like "ingenious" and "cunning," and with typically ludicrous journo flair: "the virus will never see this vaccine coming." If only they knew how right they were...the virus would eventually and easily mutate to blow right past any Ig immunity vaxx might have conferred.
When we take a look at the core Eurosphere vaxx products from Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson/Janssen, and AstraZeneca, we see that they ALL have one thing in common as mentioned above: they focused on the Spike (S1) protein as the exclusive antigen to be produced in subjects (a good descriptive word). This is the "Spike-only" model of handling this virus, which was their very first smoothbrain error. They had “computer models” that clearly identified the most antigenic (immune-stimulating) sections of the S1 protein from the O.G. 2019 Wuhan strain and they figured using that would quickly precipitate the virus and halt the pandemic. This was wishful thinking, and I should emphasize, it was data-free wishful thinking. But they knew that the physical outside coat of the virus is made of S1 and therefore would be the most accessible to Ig (IgG, immunoglobulin G) tagging, so if they could induce the body to create enough S1, they could get a ton of specific Ig to quickly dispose of the virus. Good plan?
They knew that they couldn't/shouldn't just make the code for the same exact S1 protein alone. Doing so would cause it to remain apart, an unassembled outer viral protein section, and cellular mechanics would set it to be excreted outside the cells. In turn, this would lead to a B-cell-mediated Ig production against it, in olden times sometimes called “humoral immunity”; T-cells in large part would not be invited to the party. Ig is handy, and expected, but NOT the final say in viral immunity. They knew that to stop viruses, the secret lays in literally killing infected cells. How do we kill virally infected cells? As mentioned in brief, with a unique kind of specially expanded population of T-cells called CTLs (the long-term immunity being conferred by MP-CTLs.) These cells have a superpower called “MAC” (membrane attack complex) which allows them, when sufficiently pissed off, to simply ventilate offensive cells such as viral infected and cancer cells. If you think about it, this evolutionary strategy makes sense. Mature Igs are just big sticky proteins that will bind pretty specifically to viral Spike and will eventually get cleared from the system by several means. But if the manufacturing plant of new virus, an infected cell, is allowed to keep going, it can easily outpace the Ig-based removal processes when even a few viruses get through and make new virus manufacturing plants in cells next-door, growing then in a geometric way. You can’t hope to win the war by skirmishes around the munitions depots, you have to bomb the weapons manufacturing plants themselves. CTLs do this.
So here is where the "brilliant," “ingenious," and "cunning" plan was different with BioNTech and Moderna: They took the S1 protein genetic sequence and introduced an engineered amino acid sequence that would flag it for processing after the protein was made in the cell. This sequence location is what cells use to "anchor" transmembrane proteins, in this case calling for attachment of a greasy molecule that plants itself in the greasy cell membrane like the root of a weed. By doing this the small packets that surround regular cellular protein synthesis will contain S1 which had been made artificially anchored to the outer membrane (after some cell biology acrobatics). The game plan was that with these anchored S1 proteins waving around in the breeze, T-cells would notice and take an interest, as expansion of interested T-cell clones requires, at minimum, sustained long-term cell-to-cell contact with an infected cell.
Problem 1: Turns out they did the bare minimum. Nobody ever demonstrated in vivo (in real life) that this sort or anchor-and-flag system can trick T-cells into getting avid (it doesn't). It requires a complex thing called "antigen presentation" and this isn't even close to it. There are other elements of infection within cells that activate genes and processes and encourage cell-to-cell communication all throughout the immune system, and the pharmageniuses entirely overlooked this mammalian Black Box process in their haste to be first. I say this merely to point out how absolutely kindergarten this anchor-and-flag approach really is. It isn't even sophomoric it is so pinheaded, and only weak-minded journos and government consumers of journalism would buy this tripe. Immunology 101, my friends: T-cells and every one of the hundreds of cell types involved in immunity require handshakes and stimulation, regulation, checks, halts, activations, upregulations, inhibitions, signaling at a distance and networks of biochemical activity too complex to list in shelves of massive textbooks in the biomedical libraries of the world. Think we grok "immunity"? Then why isn't cancer cured yet? Any cancer? How about allergies? Your grandma’s rheumatoid arthritis? Type 1 diabetes? We only have a surface-level grasp of how it all basically fits together after a century and hundreds of billions invested. Yet these mental giants were somehow able to bend the ear of political elites worldwide, feeling enthused to finally get a chance to experiment on several billion humans in an open-air shooting gallery of expendables.
J&J and AZ didn't have a ton to worry about in this regard for anchor-and-flag S1 because when they put the genetic information into their adenovirus (aka cold virus) vector system, they didn't anchor their S1 to a membrane per se, they just allowed the end of it (N-terminus) to co-express with the rest of the surface virus proteins that make their way to cell surfaces on their own. Their problem is slightly different: Some antigen presentation may have occurred, but the population has seen a ton of adenovirus over the years and it clears out pretty fast based on prior exposures. The bad news: for anybody who has had an adenocold, 99+% of us, there is residual T-immunity to portions of the vector that cause CTLs to attack endothelial cells, the lining of blood vessels, which causes small blood vessel irregularities that become vessel lining tissue tears, then small clots become bigger clots and so on until you have a cardiovascular accident. Perhaps you have heard "rumors" of these. This is bad, but in the end, it is Problem #2 that affects them all.
Problem 2: They ALL uncritically copied the ENTIRE sequence given by our longtime close friends and allies, the Chinese Communist Party and the Peoples' Liberation Army. That means that all North American vaxx (so far) contains the genetic sequence of the virus which codes for a "Furin Cleavage Site" (FCS) in the middle of the anchor-and-flag S1 protein. Yes, this is the famous FCS that is the smoking gun behind the viral engineering done as Gain of Function research at Wuhan, and a quarter-billion American willingly injected that…. But briefly, "furin" itself is just an enzyme found all over the body that cuts ("cleaves") any protein containing that specific sequence ("cleavage site") of amino acids.1 The presence of this FCS 100% obviates the stupidly anticipated effect of drawing-in T-cells for an avidity-expansion hug. Why? Because even though it won't work that way, the S1 stalks they had “brilliantly” planned are now simply gone.
Imagine if S1 is a weed growing tall stalks all over your front lawn. You plan to do the hard work of yanking them out one by one and tossing them in the trash. For that you need gloves and maybe a shovel. But then your neighbor comes by with his weedeater and helpfully chops them all down at a specific spot on the stalk an inch above ground. Not only did he not solve your problem, in some ways he made it worse by scattering seeds and leaving the plant rooted to return soon. Now you need a rake. And the wind blows all your cut stalks all over the neighborhood killing other neighbor lawns, and you have to run around trying to catch them all. It isn't a perfect analogy, but S1 is stalky, and furin cleavage makes a mess. It sends S1 fragments around the bloodstream (now known to be cytotoxic) and as soluble foreign proteins, as alluded to before, soon get picked up on the radar of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) that will tell B-cells (with additional help) to make specific Igs to get rid of this menace. Keep in mind, this is the vaxx causing this to happen, not a true infection. This is a failure to induce the key immune element of CTL expansion to invariant sequences. This failure itself makes Ig explode and is what the whole governmedia "antibody titer"(!) hype claims are all about. It is basically a cover story. Unfortunately high Ig doesn't end the viral rampage, it just cuts the viral count a fraction for a while in some people. Also unfortunately, heavy B-cell involvement in Ig production makes the immune system think the problem is handled and at certain levels that we know about, causes T-cells to take a break in response. Does that "reduce hospitalization and severe disease"? I press X to doubt. At this point all thinking people should.
Problem 3: Because of Problems 1 & 2, the immune systems of the vaxxed have been distracted into making a run at a foreign protein problem instead of a cellular viral infection problem by the "vaccines" themselves. This problem is sometimes described as "Original Antigenic Sin" (OAS) and it causes the specific clonal expansion of cells that are specific to a particular threat, at the expense and sometimes the suppression of alternate threats2. There is an analogy that should be some sort of immunological warning in this. If you have ever heard of allergen desensitization therapy, you know that sometimes it works, other times no, but it amounts to giving an increasing dose of a known allergen to a sneezy patient so that their system forms a subclinical immune response to it. The goal is to trick the immune system into finding ways to either remove the antigen or tolerate it by causing IgE producing cells (that kicks off the histamine response) to go to sleep in favor of new IgG producing cells (which do nothing regarding histamine). By giving more and more of an antigen eventually the immune system essentially says “Fine! Leave me alone! I am not dealing with you any more.” Could this happen with the vaxxed and boosted? Enough IgG injected into a mom after an Rh+ crisis and a baby with erythroblastosis fetalis will cause her B-cells making antibodies against Rh to go to sleep. It is a complex web, this immunology stuff. Somehow journos think they can just rock up and master it in a weekend. (LOL)
The only way out of this is through this. If you are vaxxed and haven’t encountered Omicron yet, you will, and if you saw Delta last year, it will be pretty mild if detectable at all. You will need a boxed government-sanctioned test to tell you if you are ill, just as the Founders intended. 5 days later you receive the good news: if you are one of the 99.976% (or so) people who can manage to survive this bout of coof, your immunity becomes suddenly almost as good as the average pureblood. You will have MP-CTLs on tap and standing guard for any remaining viral cells that may have escaped detection. You will have IgA production in your eyes and upper respiratory tract and maybe even in your gut, standing by to ward off another round.
Pity the poor vaxxers who have been lied to and in their gullible way, absorbed the deceptions as fact. To break the spell, they will need to have their own breakthrough crises and their own realization that they have been played by TPTB. The majority will never come to this most honest appraisal. But I say again, the only way out, for all of us, is through.
Be of good cheer. Rona is on it’s last leg. It is coughing up blood, er, um, so to speak.
Wuhan added this sequence to the stalk of S1 to see what it would do for human and cross-species infectivity of SARS before they fumbled it or casually released it in a first strike on the planet. (This is controversial.) The presence of this absolutely foreign sequence was noticed within days of the Chinese outbreak in December 2019. Later Fauci would claim this is "all part of an expected natural evolution" of coronaviruses, not realizing how astronomically improbable that sequence insertion showing up might be.
This is different from "Antibody Dependent Enhancement" (ADE) which is a peculiarity of the response to these S1 vaccines that I am going to avoid discussing here because while it is an oversight of the science folks at the vaxx companies, it is an artifact that would have been sussed out during a proper set of clinical trials and would have been the basis for a fair FDA (not the PFDA) bouncing a faulty and sometimes dangerous product like this.
I agree it is disappointing to see valuable content behind a paywall, which is why I have never and will never do so with my formal essays. Same goes for restricting comments to paid subscribers. It is far more important to me for people to be able to access the content and participate in the communal discussion than to make a buck.
I did want to make one point of clarification. el gato malo is not paywalling any of his content. He is just offering extra bonus goodies like the occasional cat memes to paid subscribers, and the funds will ultimately be used for the greater good, including feline :-)
Alex is a lost cause. Doubling-down on his petulant attack on Dr. Malone combined with his (pharmaceutically motivated?) blindness to the incontrovertible evidence of the efficacy of ivermectin has damaged his credibility and revealed his moral character for what it is. He has lost thousands of subscribers as a result and has had to restrict his comments to paid subscribers to keep the comments from getting clogged with those attempting to hold him accountable for the damage he has caused. I gave up on him and am glad he only got $6 from me before I canceled (before his notorious performance, incidentally).
Nice piece.
It would appear that the rush to get on blogstack and monetize has become a crowded trade.
For content after rona I think it will be back to the future: the best poasters will be available for free to everyone, along with an open comments section. IMO it is in the latter where the most underrated value lies. Couple times a year you can shake the tip jar and find that people are generous sans the paywall.