In August 2021 your fren wrote about how a mechanism might exist for bad things to happen in the pathogenesis of Rona vaxx disease and simultaneously, how variants are likely to have cropped up immediately in the wake of genejab vaxxen. Today we have a another neat confirmatory gem (h/t Dahl_!!_ _). Though the article is a tad sussy, and McCullough deleted his original Tw**t, here is what it looked like:
Here is the actual science article linq though.
This article describes Step 1 in my prediction in the Viet Nam post 6 months ago, have a look. The significance is that, if bigly true as a mechanism, mRNA genejabs may explain not only delayed hematological disturbances and vascular “accidents,” even myocardial cilliopathy, it can go a fair distance toward explaining the theory of “long COVID,” a concept that was essentially absent in 2020, aka “B.J.E.” the Before-Jab Era.
A lot of sciencey people have been well aware of the experimental nature of genetic material injections (genejabs) into humans that were suddenly introduced and made commonplace for billions in this “crisis.” Many pharmabros simply didn’t care and/or thought the potential patient benefits probably outweighed the incalculable risks, which are now being quantified and the news isn’t good for them. Many saw dollar-signs and new career paths being set up. A lot of us sent up what signal flares that we could, but we were squelched or hooted down for “overwrought” vaxx pessimism, easily called anti-vaxxer which is like being called a conspiracy theorist or a racist, they intend to end debate with application of the label. The objections were never about our takes on science. We had the high ground.
We mostly got the media pimp-hand because our objections simply didn’t serve immediate dominant political narrative needs.
And what were they again? A (typical) Five-Step Plan1.
Set up the conditions to eject Bad Orange Man with mailed-in democracy and permanent new digital election control (done);
Set up the conditions for an enhanced surveillance regime through tracker apps and reporting mechanisms then call in cops to enforce in churches and public squares and every small business that needed crushing (done);
Set up reporting conditions to make the disease numbers bad enough when needed for most civil people to comply with a gorillion ad hoc pubhealth edicts from the Pandemitariat (done);
Insist on all citizens accepting possible long-term poisoning as a baptism and article of this brave new biogovernmedia faith…and carry around proof of your good standing in the Church of Rona (done);
Make the pandemic worries and obeisances all go away on cue so The Big Guy can salvage something in the polls (give that just a few more days).
Now, I am not going to gloat when I hear about grown adults who should have fully-formed attention and reasoning faculties reporting-in to get 3+ shots of vaxx disease. But I must confess, they really do make themselves targets. I am old enough to remember the many Tw*dder threads examining how hard the smug edgy Lefty multi-jabbers should laugh when the PureBloods all went to Hell on the Omicron greased pole by end of January. When we see numbers like 3 in 4 hospital admissions for Omicron have lately been the überjabbed, it is difficult to suppress a snicker. But I concede they have been TeeVee watchers all their lives. They were easily bamboozled into further accepting what seems like very pablum advice: Vaccines work! Get them! But modern science is too thinly-sliced for the average Boomer to grok that these aren’t your dad’s sterilizing vaccines of yore. They are themselves as good as being their own quasi-helper-virus.2
The Boomers may never accept, even to their dying breath, that the mounting evidence is that vaxxen didn’t just prolong the pandemic, they literally caused the variants to arise through at least 4 known and predicted molecular-immunological mechanisms, then boosting caused the Boosted to become Omicron’s all-time favorite food, infecting tens of millions more by placing a divit right in the middle of the immune systems of those millions. The PSAs telling you “Let’s all keep our immune systems strong for each other” are the most invidious propaganda of my lifetime, and I lived through “weapons of mass destruction.” Boosting, in fact, was the Visigoth slave kid who threw open the gates of Rome to Omicron. And they want you and your extended TeeVee-watching family to keep on trusting them. OK Boomer.
Start with Step 0: Be extremely unclear on whether the advent of BatAIDS in late 2019 was the long-awaited Hollywood bioweapon meltdown scenario where evil scientists and outbreak mammals came together and would liquidate billions, add a dash of agitprop from the PLA/CCP showing videos of staged dying in the streets and welded lock-ins, pepper with a few standard Neil Ferguson doomsday computer lies (models), and within hours and days you have people (like me) who are scientifically humble buying masks and bit more surplus food. In 2 weeks, the communists had revealed their hand, it became clear to those who knew a few things that the game was afoot, and the only question was how long the game would run. My predictions were waaaaay off.
A cool thumbnail proof of this assertion being true is the January rash of articles and PSAs denying that vaxx == virus, probably in anticipation of such papers linked above. I kept wondering: Who said this, where is this coming from? Now I know what they knew was in the pipeline. Also, see Footnote #1 in the Viet Nam article linked above for more on helper virus.
Uhhhhhh.... is this only possible with the vax? Or will the virus do a similar thing?
the problem with being prescient is looking out of time to the rest....I do wonder how the 'we own you know because the whackscene makes you genetically pharma property' will fly....for the moment, they are not playing that card....but you can see they will... betcha $1