A lot of people have asked why the European athletes have been so much more likely to collapse from vax reactions than the Americans. Is there any chance that it's the AZ shot that's been downing them?

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I would definitely take that bet. I miss Kun Agüero. It didn't have to be like that.

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I'll just leave this here for your abject horror and disbelief...


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Not too bright, these former prisoners. Perhaps they should have asked Viet Nam about their AZ experience. :| https://hiddenmarkov.substack.com/p/viet-nam-was-once-covid-free

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He's the premier of our state. His previous position, believe it or not, was health minister of the state. The health system is in disarray.

Nothing has been learnt, from anyone, including ourselves, in the past 2 years of COVID experience.

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Can you circle back to pregnancy losses? I haven't seen any data to support that. There was that study that went viral, which led to a lot of claims 82% of pregnancies post-vaccine were stillbirths (clearly, that was not the case and stemmed from a misinterpretation of the language used in the study). Otherwise, is there anything confirmed on that front?

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The statistical power of this https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2784193 is subject to question. As I said, I wasn't ready to jump on claims of pregnancy losses. But, it is fair to say, perturbing PF4/CXCL4 in pregnancy and all the downstream immunobaggage that comes with it, is not something I would personally ask my wife to undertake. If there was risk, it would be aired-out in a complete longitudinal trial, of which we have zero. What PF4 does to T-regulatory cells is of significant interest (to me).

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