Nov 4, 2021Liked by Hidden Markov Respecter

My feeling is still : get loaded up on black seed, tumeric, quercertin, vit D, C + Zn then hit up an outdoor covid party somewhere and deal with it naturally.

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Nov 12, 2021Liked by Hidden Markov Respecter

Had Covid fall of 2019, came through it OK, no hospital, drank Burdock root Tea, (inulin, quercitin) but would have added lots of fresh ginger, vit D and Zinc if my CDC had been informed and helpful...thought it was the flu or such....but it was WAY more...sticky....again, stay home stay hydrated recovery is an 8 week process, do not push yourself, fresh ginger, vit D and Zinc. Ivermectin also helpful, it has helped many. Maybe your doctor will know more, probably not.

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Nov 4, 2021Liked by Hidden Markov Respecter

"S1 is the most mutable and variable part of the virus….it can change a LOT and not affect overall viral functions"

is that because that is where the GoF work went? If not, do you mind expanding on why it's so mutable, and given it is, wtf were they thinking in making a vaccine that targeted it, given the almost guaranteed outcome of vaccine resistant mutations long (medium?) term? Seems doubly duplicitous.

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PFDA had me scratching my head but the first substition was pfizer and then the penny dropped. hahaha good job that man.

Given your personal risk revelation here, I'd like to thank you for lending your time and writing to this effort, I appreciate it immensely. I might go do some reading on haplotypes.

If you can remember being biologically naive, I would appreciate a beginners book suggestion to read.

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