My feeling is still : get loaded up on black seed, tumeric, quercertin, vit D, C + Zn then hit up an outdoor covid party somewhere and deal with it naturally.

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The only way out is through. No meme.

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Had Covid fall of 2019, came through it OK, no hospital, drank Burdock root Tea, (inulin, quercitin) but would have added lots of fresh ginger, vit D and Zinc if my CDC had been informed and helpful...thought it was the flu or such....but it was WAY more...sticky....again, stay home stay hydrated recovery is an 8 week process, do not push yourself, fresh ginger, vit D and Zinc. Ivermectin also helpful, it has helped many. Maybe your doctor will know more, probably not.

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Glad you got well, but not too surprised. Essentially every non-obese young person does. If you like supplementation, keep and eye out for retinoic acid as a powerul induction agent. See RIG-1 papers such as https://www.nature.com/articles/s41590-021-00942-0

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I was 56 then....a young 56....thanks again HMR

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"S1 is the most mutable and variable part of the virus….it can change a LOT and not affect overall viral functions"

is that because that is where the GoF work went? If not, do you mind expanding on why it's so mutable, and given it is, wtf were they thinking in making a vaccine that targeted it, given the almost guaranteed outcome of vaccine resistant mutations long (medium?) term? Seems doubly duplicitous.

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Immunology has gotten pretty good at understanding antigen-icity. We have great, really neatly predictive computer models that can in a moment spit out an antigenic strength probability simply based on any input amino acid sequence. The Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, CA did just that in around January 2020 when the first public sequences had been identified. The Moderna people and later the Pfizer people and lastly the AZ and J&J people came to have the Chinese S1 nucleotide sequence (read https://substack.com/profile/32715357-el-gato-malo "A Little Too Prepared for Pandemic" for the Moderna insider molecular biology trading story). For convenience here I will use "we" as we human scientists. We knew from prior coronas that this Spike protein was the key to a cellular lock. If we could neutralize an important component of cellular entry, we could halt the virus lifecycle, and sure enough, right there on the receptor binding domain or RBD portion of Spike was the predicted highest probability antigen, the thing that T and B-cells would likely recognize and go after. Thus the Religion of Spike was born. These guys were a little dumb though, they included the Chinese hand-delivered GoF "Furin Cleavage Site" down the stalk of the Spike protein and unwisely including this foiled their plans by allowing normal bodily chemistry to snip it off and let it float freely, making a humoral immune response instead of going after infected cells (Cytotoxic T-cells). They were also dumb in that they ONLY included Spike. In any case, we knew also from former looks at "the cold virus" that this region was highly mutable season-to-season and a main reason why no "cold vaccine" had ever been developed as a cure for common cold. Spike flapping around like a flag and not being integral to building the geodesic dome of viral infrastructure, this made sense that it would be the part that could vary. If you ever built a 3D geodesic dome, you know that even a few fractions off will propagate into a collapsed attempt at a building. The viral assembly proteins are intricate, hard-won in evolution, and have tight tolerances, and they virtually never change, strain to strain. We have current data on this. This is why OG infected nattymunes have such great resistance to variants like Delta: we can "see" the other proteins besides 2019 Spike; vaxxers: that is ALL they can see. When we nattymunes encounter a cell producing variant viral Nucleocapsid protein, for example, our memory phenotype CD8+ cytotoxic T-cells come running, recognize it, nuke the compromised cells, call for cleanup. What do vaxxed immune cells do? Maybe some memory B cells wake up and start producing more immunoglobulin for the 2019 Spike. It really is ridiculously dumb that we have to have this conversation with Karens, and it is worse when they tell me to "follow the science." lol In answer to your query about a good immunology primer, there is no really good way to ease into it. Both feet: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=roitt+immunology

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Started reading Roit. Very readable. I think it was the first or second page where I thought - hmmmm these vaccines are wrong then.

Because he says - the immune response needs to be proportionate. If 80% of people have mild or asymptomatic responses then they are probably not even dealing with humoral (?) infection and handling it at the mucous membrane levels.

But the vaccine forces everyone to have their antibodies at peak output, whether they are going to be infected or not.

I am clearly naive but to me that sounds like a disproportionate response to non-infection. Even if you do get infected, it's like arming the defense forces around the capitol and and assuming the shore patrol will do nothing.

I had an interesting response to one of the dedications, however:

D3nnis Burt0n acknowledges funding for his research from the NIH, the Bi11 and Me1inda G4tes Foundation <...>

felt icky.

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Hmmm... oops? It's in vitro though - how difficult to test in vivo?

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro

" Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines."


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Many have asked me about this paper. I am not placing a ton of credibility with it at this point. There is nothing magical about this virum. Iterference with VDJ recombination does not account for ADE. It is every bit as likely that what they are observing and reporting happens all the time with many viruses, but because we have applied the bright light to this one particular one, we are gaining new scientific insights. Or it is a fluke. Or it is invented. Just keep in mind: simply because biowarlords engineered a Furin Cleavage Site into a viral protein doesn't make the whole virus magic.

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Thanks again, and for the recommendation.

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Guess: so few proteins?

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PFDA had me scratching my head but the first substition was pfizer and then the penny dropped. hahaha good job that man.

Given your personal risk revelation here, I'd like to thank you for lending your time and writing to this effort, I appreciate it immensely. I might go do some reading on haplotypes.

If you can remember being biologically naive, I would appreciate a beginners book suggestion to read.

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